(C) Viktor Hildebrandt | shnipps.de


- Giacomo Leopardi

"How the parents are, how they affect us by their very existence - that decides".
-Theodor Fontane

"For whom enough is too little, nothing is enough".
- Epikur

"How does man learn to walk? He stops clinging to others".
-Pavel Kosorin

"Education is example and love, nothing else".
-Friedrich Froebel

"All fear stems from the fact that we love something."
-Thomas Aquinas

"Models should try to resemble the portrait."
-Salvador Dali

"It is only with the grandchildren that one is then at the point where one can roughly understand the children."
-Erich Kästner

"It takes a whole village to raise a child."
-An African proverb

"The life of the parents is the book in which the children read".
-Augustine Aurelius

"For every child, the world begins anew".
-Henry David Thoreau